Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Selection

Coronary Heart Condition or Diabetes

It's not easy picking between two of the major Indian health issues. Although the first thing to address here would be to know what exactly are these two. Being a non medical, design professional, who doesn't really concentrate on intricacies of human body, Google was the only thing that would help with that.

That being the case, according to National Institute of Health (NIH) - Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries which supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. This plaque can harden or rupture (and thus create a hardened layer) over time and reduce the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart.[1]

So basically, if this increases, no more oxygen in the body. And I, finally, realised that this would also essentially be what we call a heart attack (not to be confused with an attack of heart smilies on chat from bae..💔).

What now would be diabetes? This, I think, is a more common knowledge than the other one. When one has this condition, the body doesn't produce enough insulin or doesn't use the produced insulin well, leading to increase in blood sugar/glucose levels in the body. The NIH info website concurs. (My life makes sense, at least I know what diabetes is..😸)

Now that I knew what these things were, it was clear to me what I wanted to pick. Diabetes being a pre-CHD condition, I would pick the bigger problem and then narrow down to what part of CHD can be approached. So CHD it is!


Understanding the Brief

The original brief - Design a System for behaviour change for the chosen patient condition (Coronary Heart Disease or Diabetes) to achieve better health outcomes.

To start with, what do I need to know - 
- What is Coronary Heart Disease?
- What is Diabetes?
- How do I enable behaviour change in my chosen persona type?

What resources do I need to know about them?
- Access to secondary research (mostly internet, because come on.. would you really read from physical books and journals in 2017?)
- Access to experts (After I know the textbook basics, I guess..)
- Potential Users to better understand the user (the persona) and their views about the chosen disease and it's prevention and cure.

The Selection

Coronary Heart Condition or Diabetes It's not easy picking between two of the major Indian health issues. Although the first thing to...